Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gentlemen Broncos

You know what 2009 was really lacking to me? A hilarious comedy. I mean looking back on the last few years I feel every year had a comedy that just stuck with people. 2007 was all about "Super Bad", 2008 was "Tropic Thunder", but what was 2009? I guess you could say "The Hangover", but I'd like to briefly gloss over that one. And I can because this is my site. To me yes "The Hangover" was funny, I liked the story and it was nice to finally get a movie that actually made that tired catch phrase "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," funny again. But honestly, I was a little underwhelmed, I liked it, but it wasn't very memorable to me. I just felt that while it was entertaining, a few of the jokes fell flat and it just seemed kind of forced in one or two places. That's why I was looking forward to "Gentlemen Broncos" after I saw the previews, I know I harped about previews in "Clash Of The Titans", but this was one that did it's job. It gave me an idea about the story of the film, it enticed me with a couple jokes, and that's all you need. "Titans" only had special effects going for it, and since they decided to show EVERYTHING in the previews, there really wasn't a point to go to the actual movie, unless you're a critic like me. I mean this movie's preview basically just had Sam Rockwell fighting with lawn ornaments on another planet! It's just silly enough to make me want to see it.
The plot is very basic. A young man writes Science Fiction stories, gets to meet his idol at a work shop, and his idol is an utter tool that promptly steals the boy's latest story as his own. And when I call this guy an utter tool, I mean that he's the most pretentious, vapid, idiotic, vain, unlikeable son of the unholy bitch of douche-dom and the bastard of dill holes. And he's my favorite character. I mean I hate him, but he's one of those guys you just love to hate. He never has anything even remotely redeemable about him, and he is just so hilarious.
It's actually a really good contrast to the protagonist. Who is actually not very talkative, and I think that actually helps the movie. He's supposed to be the meek, unimposing, and tends to just let people walk over him until the end of the movie. But really what makes this character great for me, is that even in his meekness, he still wants to stand up for his story since it was actually meant as something to honor his dead father, which by the way is never overtly said, just subtly implied. And really, that makes a strong character to me. It's honestly compelling to see this guy actually try for the stars at the end, challenging the well known writer with noting but the principle of the matter is just so aw inspiring to see.
That really has a lot to do with the film's point. I mean , comedies these days just always seem to be about tits and ass, but when you actually see a movie try to be funny without them, it's just amazing to see. This script is deep, shallow, smart and yet insanely stupid all at the same time. But what I really like, is that this film is big on the idea of "Show, don't tell!". Like I said, the story was for his father but in seriousness, he's mentioned only once verbally, and the rest of the time Ben just looks at his picture in a way that asks for guidance, and because of that this film actually becomes a coming of age story. However since they never beat you over the head with it, it becomes something new in that regard because, he doesn't need an outside influence, be it a mentor or a love interest or whatever, it's because he loves his father, gets frustrated that the story the really means something to him is being corrupted, and he reaches his breaking point. It's such a nice way to see a story. I have always loved seeing the hero triumph against the odds, but this is literally a film where it seems like everyone is against this guy, and yet he still wins.
Honestly if there is one kind of film that is hardest to review, it's a comedy. Mostly because I try and live off the principle that spoiling is usually wrong unless the person doesn't particularly want to see the film being reviewed, hence why my "Zombieland" review was so short, and because of this, I find comedies especially hard to talk about. It's mostly because they are usually short and I don't like giving too many of the jokes away, but since they make up a big part, I'll just say the jokes are well executed and very very funny.
That said, I just want to assure you that just because I'm not talking page after page about this movie, it is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. It's silly, yet poignant in the right spots. Slow at times, but not dragging. And finally, this movie is just good. I mean really, this is from the guy that did "Napoleon Dynamite" a movie I just can't stand anymore, but "Broncos" I could honestly watch over and over and it'd still be funny, "Dynamite" was just like a one night stand; one big bang and done. Leaves something to be said for effort I guess.

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