Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Up coming schedule.

So yeah, it's been awhile, I've been taking time to try and figure out more that I want to do with this little project I give some time to.  Mostly what direction I want to take it, while commenting on current movies is one way to take this, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to find new things to say about them without having more means to get to the theater are a frequent basis, and since that isn't quite doable for me, I'm deciding to fully go into the you may not have seen it aspect about obscure movie.  After all, most of the time those are the kinds of movies I most enjoy tracking down, and if that's the case, I'll review them in full and speak my peace, good or bad and tell you where to find it if I'm recommending it.  However, I think some guidelines and the like are in order, as well as some comments on things that have been brought up that haven't had any follow up as yet.  First, last Halloween, I promised a top 10 of my favorite horror movies to end out the event, and I was planning on it.  However, in actually sitting down to write them, I kept wanting to go on and on about each film in turn to a point where I might as well have made a full review, as such that's my plan for this October, coupled with a list that would run with what I think should be a separate list for BEST Horror films, because to me, and many others, BEST and FAVORITE are two different things and I'm going to try and keep things on the lists totally separate.  Second, one thing I have been ask constantly as both a movie fan in general and someone that writes reviews, is what my favorite movie(s) is(are).  I"m going to answer that question, with a list of my personal Top 25, with one review at a fairly regular interval counting down from number 25 on down to number one, and like the Halloween horror countdowns, all will be full reviews.  Next, on my facebook page, I mentioned that I was planning on doing something related to the movie "Drive", and I am.  I'm working on it, part of why is that I'm using it and the movie "Another Earth" to share my thought on the current indie movie scene, and that will be posted Thursday (3/8/12) morning for sure.

Now for some guidelines about what will be reviewed on here, the obscure.  The perfect example of the type of thing that I'll end up reviewing on here is the previously reviewed "Guyver 2: Dark Heroes", an American movie, based on an animated show, based on a Japanese comic book.  But that doesn't mean I'll just do American films, anything Foreign, Cult, Indie, or just not often thought of anymore.  Basically, if the popular consciousness doesn't really know about it, it's fair game.  Occasionally, I'll review something current or mainstream Hollywood, but there are only so many ways I can say that Michael Bay sucks before it gets old, even for me.    I'm also letting it be known, that I'm more than open to recommendations, suggestions or, if you're so inclined challenges.  I have a pretty good bad movie tolerance I've built up so I'll gladly review whatever.  With one exception,  I won't review porn.  If that's something you want, take the suggestion else where or just do it yourself, but all I could really say in a review is best summed up like this:  "It's porn, it did/didn't do something for me, and if you're into this/that/the other thing, it'll probably work out all right for you.  Otherwise, if I can find it, I'll do it.

Another thing I'm going to start doing is post a rough schedule as to what particular movie I will be review that week.  So starting now, here is roughly my review schedule for the next six weeks following the above mentioned review:

- The Beyond
-A Better Tomorrow (possibly as another double with the recent remake)
-Cannibal the musical
-Malibu Express
-Miller's Crossing

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