Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lunatic's Top 25 Part One

So, I’ve finally reached that point.  It’s that one question all movie buffs dread but know that they must at some point figure out an answer for:  “What are your favorite movies?”   Honestly, I really really love a TON of movies.  I have special equipment like a region free DVD player for imports, a VCR for things that aren’t even released on DVD and even a Laserdisc player for movies that either have a feature not on the DVD or don’t have a version I prefer on DVD.  I just really LOVE film and I just couldn’t decide how many movies to include.  Ten seemed too little, and then I thought maybe 50 but that was just pushing it, so I eventually decided on 25.  So intermittently through the rest of the year, I will count down from 25 to my all time number one.  I’m not doing this as a normal top 10 for one major reason, I have a very specific and personal reason for picking these movies and ranking them as I do.  Just devoting simply a paragraph to them just doesn’t feel like I’d be doing them justice, so I’m giving a full breakdown of why I picked it and like it as much as I do.   But I would like to clarify, these are FAVORITES, not what I feel are the BEST, granted I know there would be some of these on that list, this is more about my personal experience with film and the ones that stand out for me as especially enjoyable.  Therefore, at long last, let the countdown proper begin:

Number 25:

Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954)

I’ve made it no secret that I have a love for the old B style movies, and especially those from the 50’s and 60’s, and this movie’s the reason why.  I was about eight or nine years old when I first saw this movie and I was hooked.  Not only was it the first movie I saw in black and white, but it was just so much fun to watch.  Scientist exploring an ominous area that no one had apparently seen and lived to tell the tale, a monster that terrorizes them while at the same time looking pretty goofy when you stop to think about it, and just copious amounts of hammy acting.
Why this one over things like “The Blob” or “Them!”?  Pretty simple, nostalgia.  I can’t help it, the fact that this was the one I saw first is probably just me being all sentimental, but if I’m ever feeling like watching something cheesy and silly with a goofy monster, I reach for this one.
A lot of it has to due with the acting and directing, this movie does not ever stop taking itself seriously, you have actors playing scientists that do things no scientist would ever do, and yet you buy it because they just have this air to them that feels truly genuine.  Even if you ignore that aspect, a lot of the different characters are just fun and they have some great lines delivered hilariously.   I have a feeling director Jack Arnold was aware of this because he really goes all in with some great inserts of the monster that hold off the reveal until just the right time, not to mention the movie has a very ensemble feel to it.
While the story is nothing special it does have a lot of the troupes of the genre; the beauty and beast touches, the monster carrying the girl away limp in its arms, the good scientist and the in it just for fame and glory “evil” one, the quirky local, etc.  Even if it’s not wholly original and the movie when combined with its 1955 sequel is just a huge rip off of 1933’s “King Kong”, I still enjoy it for how fun all the characters are and how nicely paced it is.  Especially at the beginning and end when movies like this tend to drag at that time.
But of course, a monster movie is nothing without a monster and man do I have lots of love for the Gill man.  From the great suit designed by Bud Westmore and his team (Millicent Patrick, Jack Kevan, Chris Mueller, Robert Hickman)  to the great portrayal by dual team Ben Chapman (while on the surface)  and Ricou Browning (while underwater).  All this gives the creature such a depth to even make his menacing of the scientists seem almost like he was the victim (also potentially due to Jack Arnold) and his antagonism only brought to life by the bombastic theme that plays anytime he shows up.
Really the reason I pick this movie is that it is a perfect example of what I hope to see when I see a popcorn movie.  It’s goofy, but not stupid.   It’s silly, but passionately so.  In a word, it just a ton of fun.  I have seen it many times and I’ll probably see it many times more before it ever loses this spot that it has here, at number 25.

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