Monday, January 24, 2011

The top 5 most entertaining movies of 2010

So we’re a few weeks into 2011, and while I had absolutely no problem looking back and remembering what 10 movies sucked the most, or were the most painful to sit through, I have had a fair bit more trouble looking back and remembering 10 films that I actually thought were good. It’s not that I have hugely high standards, but I do have standards, and in 2010 well, they were hardly ever met, let alone exceeded. However I did think of 5 movies that I thought were good, solid and amazingly impressive works, and I also have 5 that I just thought were fun or very enjoyable. So, for you my loyal readers, I’m going to be nice and give you two lists. One being my top 5 just fun/most enjoyable movies of 2010, and the other being the 5 I thought were the actual best of the year. So here we go, my top 10 of 2010, sorta.

The 5 most enjoyable movies of 2010

5. Machete

Machete is one of those rare movies that I saw, thought about reviewing, but then decided I shouldn’t. Mindless action films like this are kind of not all that fun to review because it requires me to bring up a lot of the negative parts and nit picks. For me, when the movie isn’t all that fun to watch like “Boondock Saints 2” or “From Paris With Love” or “The Expendables” (Yes, I’m one of those people that thinks “The Expendables” sucked. Just deal with it because deep down, you know I’m right.) I’m actually quite happy to do that. An action movie should be a fun ride with lots of cool things and if it fails in that regard I shouldn’t let it get away with anything because of fan service nods to other films from the actor’s resume or the fact that it has a bunch of really cool action stars in it. “Machete” however, was the only balls to the wall R rated summer action movie I went to that I had a great time with. Robert Rodriguez has been one of my favorites for guilty pleasure action movies and he didn’t let me down here. The action is over the top and awesome, the one liners are hilarious, and the movie’s story, well, actually feels like a story. It’s nice that my favorite trailer from “Grindhouse” actually got made into a movie, and it was awesome to see Danny Trejo headline after being a supporting staple for so long. Not wanting to give too much away and just say see this movie if you haven’t already, but all I will tell you is this: You will never look at Robert De Niro the same after you watch this.

4. Hot Tub Time Machine

This was one of the funniest movies I saw this year. I swear, no other movie had a better set up, funnier cast or better executed gags. The story is simple, a bunch of guys go to a winter lodge they had a great time at as youths and then get into a hot tub that, somehow transplants them into the bodies of themselves back in the 80’s. This movie is a love letter to those raunchy comedies from the 80’s like “Porky’s” and “Caddyshack”. IF you avoided seeing this movie because of the title, like I am ashamed to admit was the case, shame on you! This movie was so damn funny and so well thought out in its humor that it should have been up for the Golden Globe for best comedy. Hell, it got better reviews than actual nominee “Alice in Wonderland” and the performances where are top notch from everyone involved. Honestly if I had to compare it to another comedy to emphasize how good it was, it’d be “Back to the Future”. Yes, one of my all time favorite movies is the only base line for comparison that I think comes close. Granted, “Hot Tub Time Machine” is nowhere near as good as “Back to the Future”, but in all seriousness, this movie is my favorite straight comedy of 2010 and I laugh every time I see it.

3. RED

I’ll just say it, I’m putting this movie on the list purely because I am a Bruce Willis Fan Boy. But what I liked most about this movie wasn’t just that it was a Bruce Willis action fest. Rather I loved this movie because it was funny, it was exciting, it had a great ensemble cast, and it remembers that action movies aren’t supposed to be taken all that seriously most of the time. I had a very hard time deciding which I like better between this and “Machete” and I ultimately chose this over the latter will, because “Machete” kind of fell apart in the last act and got a little overly political. It didn’t ruin the movie, but it was a bit of a WTF moment while watching it. “RED” on the other hand was non stop funny action set piece after another. The whole cast getting to shine in parts they are clearly having the time of their lives with, as well as amazingly well done story elements, made “RED” a far more satisfying movie. It was funny, exciting and all in all the best action movie of 2010.

2. Splice

Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE morality based science fiction. Things like most of David Cronenberg’s work in the 80’s, in particular “Scanners” and “The Fly”. And I’ve been aching and aching AND ACHING for a movie that returned to that kind of form for a very long time. I finally got what I asked for in “Splice”. A fringe sci fi movie that is basically a modern re-vamp of the Frankenstein based around genetic engineering. In this version, two scientists are the rock stars of their filed and decide to try and add human DNA to their experiments to see the results, which takes the form of DREN, and then they are faced with a dilemma: Is DREN the same as a human being? This movie is just great. This and the next movie on this list would probably have been on a top 10 list if I could have thought of 3 other movies that I thought were actually good that I saw from 2010. Most especially, I want to bring attention to “Splice” because it is one of those versions of the Frankenstein idea that doesn’t actually miss the point of the story, being ethics. The movie’s focus on the two principles and their status as a couple is used to a jaw dropping amount of effectiveness from beginning to end and it never tries to hold back. It’s hands down the most under appreciated movie of the year and you owe it to yourself to see it for yourself if you haven’t already.

1. Toy Story 3

Best kids movie of the year, bar none! I haven’t seen the other favorite “How To Train Your Dragon” yet, but I have no doubt that it couldn't possibly top this amazing animated film. The “Toy Story” movies have always been favorites of mine since the first film came out when I was seven and now at 24 I still love it and the second film. So I was very pleased when the third film rounded out the franchise for an all around great conclusion and a great film in general. I’ve seen “Toy Story 3” a total of four times now and each time I watch I love it more and more. It’s fun and creative and at times it can also be very dark. It’s that rare family film that doesn’t hold itself back for the sake of being for children. It goes out of it’s way to have complex themes while at the same time executing them simply enough that young children won’t feel left out. “Toy Story 3” was yet another reason why I keep telling people that no matter what your opinion of computer generated animation, you should ALWAYS go to PIXAR movies. They are some of the rare movies that actually feel like they are the next big step in the evolution of film and movies like “Toy Story 3”, “Up” and “WALL-E” are more than proof enough. Seriously, watch this movie NOW!

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