Sunday, January 30, 2011

The top 5 best movies of 2010

Ok, The Oscars are finally out and only now am I actually putting up what I felt were the best from the movies of last year. I haven’t seen all the Oscar nominees yet, but I’ve seen several of them and I’m planning on seeing them all with in the next couple of weeks and I well give you all my two cents about them once I’ve seen all of them, I promise. Until then, here are my top 5 best movies of 2010.

5. Inception.

So yeah, I really liked Inception. I almost don’t want to say much about why I liked this movie though. I mean, it’s one of the best reviewed and highest grossing movies of the year and I have seen it several times. I would almost call it perfect, almost. But I only rank it at five because honestly, I feel that while it is a phenomenally clever movie, and it has some of the most amazing imagery in the cinema, it was still basically the best thinking man’s action movie. Granted, I said it was the best, and there are a lot of the movies that could make that claim, but thanks to the creativeness of it’s action scenes, the well thought script, and the solid chemistry in the cast shoot this movie all the way to the top of the pile and it’s place here at number 5.

4. Shutter Island.

Am I the only one that finds it kind of funny that Leonardo Di Caprio made two movies this year where he played men that were sort of mentally unhinged and had guilt complex involving his dead wife? Anyway, Shutter island, great little movies that I saw that made me fall in love with a single director all over again. To me, Scorsese has made just another movie that shows he doesn’t just have to make high brow dramatic movies. In fact I would say while I always find his movies enjoyable this was highly enjoyable in a different way than normal. I always liked his remake of Cape Fear because it was different from your average thriller, and this movie was no exception. It on the surface feels like just another murder mystery in an exotic location but then it gradually begins to feel more like a haunted house film, and then the movie becomes a tense psychological thriller. I have no complaints with this movie at all. It’s just a perfectly constructed thriller with a great creative team behind it and some of the most haunting images I’ve seen in a movie in a very long time.

3. Black Swan

This movie was just a trip. It was so damn weird, yet so brilliant in its weirdness. The photography is just brilliant, giving the movie a grim foreboding tone and the movie weaves its plot through that dark mood. Following a ballerina that fighting with her own grasp of reality, the movies has creepy imagery, great music and a shocking performance from Natalie Portman. I don’t know how to really describe this movie, I don’t want to spoil it, but all I can think back on it was all the moments in it. It’s such a great movie. I insist, insist I say, that you go see this movie, you will not regret it.

2. The Social Network

It’s a movie about the creation of Facebook, it is also awesome. This script was just dripping with sweet dialogue and wonderful character beats. The direction here is just perfect. I know I said I’d hold off on calling any of the Oscars winners, but I have to make an exception here, David Fincher, for best director. He makes some of the most mundane, dull, and lifeless things like, computer code writing and legal proceedings seem like some of the most exciting and down right compelling things ever. Not that Aaron Sorkin’s script didn’t do the same thing. The performances are all top notch and I actually wished this movie was longer than it was. I seriously could have made it through a whole other hour uif it was there. That’s how well done this movie is and I just love it.

1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

I have seen this movie seven times. Seven times. This movie is just sooooo damn good. It’s creative, mixing genres, relationship issues, and some of the funniest performances into one pot then being brave enough to serve the results. I just love this movie. Micheal Cera actually gives one of the best performances I’ve seen him give. The fight scenes are all memorable and creative. On top of that, it feels like this movie was helmed by a brilliantly crazy person. I’ve been a fan of Edgar Wright since his big screen debut Shaun Of The Dead and I’ve yet to be disappointed by a movie of his. To me, this can just can’t make a bad movie. I’ve seen all three of his feature films and all of them have just been amazingly fun. To me, this was the best movie of the year and it was a real shame that this movie wasn’t more successful.

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